October! One of my favorite months of the year. Cool weather and Halloween. Horror movies all month, and TV shows play their special Halloween episodes. Alright, enough of the jibber jabber. It's time to get to business.
I said I'd have book three of the Warrior of Souls series done in September. Then I said October...now I say...maybe October? It's in the editing stage now, so once I get it back, I can make my edits then send to the proofreader. One holdup: I intend on putting the series back in Kindle Unlimited, which means it will no long be available on Kobo, B&N, iTunes, etc. So I want to release book three into Kindle Unlimited when the other two books are in there. But it takes time for the book to come down from the other online bookstores. I'm still aiming for an end of October release, but it might roll into November. In another week or two, I'll post the cover as a teaser. Book three picks up right after the end of book two. The heroes must split up. Jessica and Malcolm return to the Order to figure out how to stop the war, while Sverre, Izzy and Angel return to Xibalba to determine how Sverre can regain control of his "alter ego". However, while the heroes are figuring things out, one of the vampire lords puts his plans into motion and the world will be changed forever.
S Mays
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April 2021